Visual Basic Code For Simple Interest

Visual Basic 6 is a third-generation event-driven programming language first released by Microsoft in 1991. In VB 6, there is no limit of what applications you could create, the sky is the limit. You can develop educational apps, financial apps, games, multimedia apps, animations, database applications and more.

Visual Basic 2012 Code

The team at has created many sample codes, please browse them on the sidebar. You are welcome to use the sample codes as a reference for your assignments and projects. However, the usage of the sample codes for commercial purposes without prior consent from the webmaster is strictly prohibited.

Visual Basic Sample Codes E-Book is written by our webmaster, Dr.Liew. It comprises 258 pages of captivating contents and 48 fascinating Sample Codes.Perfect source of reference for your VB projects. Check it out.

About Us

The Tutor and webmaster of, Dr.Liew Voon Kiong , holds a Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics, a Master's Degree in Management and a Doctoral Degree in Business Administration. He obtained the DBA degree from the University of South Australia.

  • C Program code to input side of a Triangle & check whether triangle is valid or not using if else. A triangle is valid if sum of its two sides is greater than the third side. Means if a, b, c C Programs Second Largest Array Element Finding the second largest value in an array is a classic C array program.
  • In the next section, we introduce the Visual Basic programming environment and create an application that uses only a single object: the form itself. We will then add addi-tional objects and code to create a more complete Visual Basic application. Exercises 2.1 1. List the two elements of a Visual Basic Application.

He has been involved in programming for more than years. He created the popular online Visual Basic Tutorial in 1996 and since then the web site has attracted millions of visitors .It is the top-ranked Visual Basic tutorial website in many search engines including Google. Besides that, he has also written a few Visual Basic related books. One of the books, Visual Basic 6 Made Easy was published by, an publisher.

MonthlyPayments = Financial.Pmt(0.06 / 12, 12, 5000) TextBox1.Text = monthlyPayments.ToString('C2') counter = counter + 1 'add one to the counter interest = bloanTotal. rate 'calculate interest rate from payment that will only count as interest toInterest = monthlyPayments - interest 'amount of monthly payment going towards interest toPrincipal = monthlyPayments - toInterest ' amount of monthly payment going towards principal bloanTotal = bloanTotal - toPrincipal 'new balance after deducing.

The Slot Machine created using VB6


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How to write a visual basic program. Visual Basic programs for beginners with examples. How to print a string in visual basic. below are some examples of visual basic programs.

In this tutorial, Will see some basic string operation like how to print string and char in visual basic. Check thevisual basic program for mathematical operations.

Let’s start with the basic “Hello World” Project in Visual basic. Start any programming language with some string operation is a really good idea.

Write a visual basic program to print a string “Hello World”

The below code will print the string value “Hello World”. Console.WriteLine(” “) is used to print any value as an output and the Console.ReadLine() is used to read the next line here we are using it to hold the screen.

Output: Hello World

Visual basic program to print a string variable.

Declare a variable in visual basic is really simple. here in the below code. Dim str As String is a variable decoration. Where str is a variable of string type.

Output: Write First Program in Visual basic

How to Concat two string in Visual basic.


+ or the & operator is used to Concat two or more string in Visual basic. Below is the code to Concat two string in visual basic. Which contains 3 strings str1, str2,str3.

Output: Visual basic program


Please check more examples on visual basic program for beginner

Visual Basic programs with example

Free Visual Basic Code Examples

Basic Vb programs

Example 2.1.1
Example 2.1.2

You can also use the + or the & operator to join two or more texts (string) together like in example 2.1.4 (a) and (b)

Example 2.1.4(a)

Private Sub

A = “Tom”
B = “likes”
C = “to”
D = “eat”
E = “burger”
Print A + B + C + D + E

End Sub

Example 2.1.4(b)

Private Sub

A = “Tom”
B = “likes”
C = “to”
D = “eat”
E = “burger”
Print A & B & C & D & E

End Sub

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