Realistic Mods Sims 4 Download
Back in 2001, The Princess Diaries gave girls below the age of 14 a sense of hope that someday, they too will overcome the cruel combination of braces and puberty.
- Sims 4 Mods For Realism
- Realistic Period Mod Sims 4 Download
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- Realistic Mods Sims 4 Download For Free
- Dec 21, 2020 I'm back with another video for The Sims 4. You can have realistic arguments with this free mod for The Sims 4.
- Top Sims 4 Realistic Mods Sims 4 Romance Mod. Building a relationship in the sims 4 is very easy. Just talk to the other sim a couple of times and you’re done. In real life, things are not the way around. The sims 4 realistic romance mod, adds a little bit of complication in terms of relationship and romance. Now you have to actually engage.
I can vividly remember watching Mia Thermopolis’s epic transformation on VHS and thinking why Anne Hathaway wasn’t a real-life princess.
Rewatching that classic makeover 19 years later, it’s surprising to realize that the “epic transformation” I loved growing up was simply a brow-plucking and hair-straightening session.
If fixing brows can produce a princess-worthy look, then doesn’t that make it the most important facial feature?
I’ll answer that with a list of all the best eyebrow CCs that would make anyone look for a makeover.
15. Brushed and Natural Eyebrows
If you’ve lived through the terror of using eyebrow razors and tweezers to follow the barely-there eyebrow trend of the ‘90s and early 2000s, then I’m so sorry for your loss.
The pencil-thin eyebrows did not age well.
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And although a few lucky gals survived with some hair intact, the majority are still trying to grow it back after years of over-plucking.
That’s why we’re lucky to live in a day and age where people now appreciate that natural eyebrows are simply the best.
This soft angled-shaped eyebrow CC from catemcphee is designed to stay in style for life – or for as long as you’re interested in TS4.
14. Anais Eyebrows
If you’ve wasted part of your high school getting insecure about your bushy eyebrows, well now’s the time to change that!
Now we’re worshipping the thick eye-mane thanks to the genetically-blessed eyebrows of Cara Delevingne and Lily Collins, to name a few.
These Anais Eyebrows might not be in the level of Kylie Jenner’s manufactured perfection.
But the CC certainly does make a statement that wild eyebrows are certainly not as bad as you think.
13. Eyebrows 01
It’s always the arched brows that take the spotlight on Instagram, while straight brows don’t get as much love or attention as they should.
Looking at this CC from Sanamo, you can instantly see the appeal of being straight for once.
With an astounding collection of 27 swatches, there are enough options in this pack to keep up with your next impulsive hair color change!
12. Eyebrows G7
GoppolsMe is one of the most prominent makeup CC creators in the game, and the Eyebrows G7 is just a small, beautiful blip in a big collection of work that I wish were all free.
Fortunately, this CC is available at no cost, becoming one of my go-to add-ons to create hyper-realistic Sims who all have better eyebrows than most people I know (including me).
11. Icarus Eyebrows
Bold, big, and attractively bulky.
The Icarus Eyebrows slant to form a smoldering look that most people would kill for.
Just imagine having brows that can carry your whole look the moment you wake up.
Brows that won’t need any liners and stencils, or any of that artificial stuff. Because it’s already filled in and shaped just the way you want it.

Brows that could rival Camilla Belle and Ian Somerhalder combined.
Finally, imagine if you were a Sim, would you pass this up?
Because I don’t see any reason why you should.
10. Igraine Eyebrows
To those who have always wondered why girls spend so much time and money at waxing salons, here’s why.
The Igraine Eyebrows is that picture-perfect eyebrow that most people try to sustain over a dozen courses of waxing and threading appointments.
The fact that Sims can flaunt this in a snap is inequality of beauty for us all.
9. Kim Eyebrows
TS4 players are experts in world-building. From constructing tiny houses to birthing a whole family, there’s no aspect in The Sims 4 that’s not within our control.
That includes finding the right brow to shape the personalities of our Sims to prove the fact that this game turns anyone into a control freak.
To get that soft, pure look that can withstand any negative emotion, put on the Kim Eyebrows CC.
See if you can test your Sim’s limits!
8. Velvet Eyebrows N17
Having S-shaped eyebrows is like possessing an hourglass figure: it’s sexy, eye-catching, and a pain in the ass to maintain.
Trust me. Monthly grooming sessions are not as fun when you’re putting the faith of your s-shaped eyebrows into a stranger (can you sue them for ruined eyebrows?).
Because when it comes to accentuating the eyes, there’s nothing like this serpentine style to draw someone to it.
Thanks to Pralinesims – arguably one of the most hardworking CC creators on the planet – this pack is available in 18 colors for all ages and genders to enjoy!
7. Eyebrows N23
When customizing some new Sims, many tend to keep the face as-is, only changing the clothes, makeup, and the hair on an hourly basis (Sims is life).
That’s why I don’t underestimate the search for The One Eyebrow, and neither should you.
Among the numerous eyebrows CCs out there, a select few will get you hooked and willing to click that download button.
If this CC is one of them, then know you’ve got good taste. And I approve 100%.
6. Eyebrows N25
Although the no eyebrow option is always available(and a tempting challenge to do), not everyone can pull off a Mona Lisa.
And with these refined eyebrows from Seleng, there’s no room to even consider an eyebrow-less life in The Sims 4.
Displaying a barely-there arch for that subtle agenda, this CC can become your Sim’s stunning new classic.
5. Come to Mama Eyebrows
Minimalist brows are so 2019. And if you’re still hung up on it, then it’s time to move on, honey.
This year’s eyebrow trend is embracing more positivity than the world can manage.
Going back to basics, dark and grown out brows are becoming the style to love.
After seeing this hand-drawn CC from Cubersims, I’m pretty hopeful that maximalist brows can save our sanity both in-game and in real life.
4. Dolce Eyebrows
Tip number 1 to become famous: have a strong brow game.
We all know someone who we can instantly recognize with just a flash of their eyebrows.
That’s because eyebrows are superstar material, no matter what anyone thinks.
If your Sim’s gunning for that glamorous life on the red carpet, then best upgrade your look deserving of fame, starting with these Dolce Eyebrows in 18 colors!
3. Anna Eyebrows
It should be obvious by now that I’m in love with thick eyebrows.
Nothing beats natural beauty improved by little to no effort, and the Anna Eyebrows is exactly that and more!
This CC is loaded with 45 colors for both male and female Sims, toddler to elder.
With those odds, your Sims are guaranteed to never have bad brows ever again!
2. Malory Eyebrows
Being sexy doesn’t always mean 24/7 workouts and keto diet around the clock.
At least, not when you’re a Sim anyway.
It all comes down to the sensuous arch of the brows, and some killer makeup, to bring in the full effect.
The Malory Eyebrows CC are not for the lazy.
If you want to own that supermodel look, add a dash of winged eyeliner, smokey eyeshadow, deep lipstick, and a whole lot of pose mods.
1. Jana Eyebrows
There’s no question about it: Pralinesims is a god among TS4 CC creators.
And this CC pack is, by far, her best in the eyebrow category.
The Jana Eyebrows are a brow expert’s wet dream, for good reasons.
This pack has that clearly defined shape that most self-taught makeup experts would spend half a day drawing.
Not to mention the clean feathered effect at the start, and slightly growing hair towards the tail that gives off a naturally groomed look.
Conveniently available in 36 colors, this is the first eyebrow CC you’ll reach for.
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Sims 4 has the best career paths of all the Sims games.
It’s one of those things that EA has truly perfected throughout the years, and the many modern careers are a big draw for this newest installment.
However you can never really have enough careers in a Sims game.
People who like to start many different saves often like to have their sims follow different career paths, and there comes a point where you’ll run out of new careers to try (or you’ll simply find many of them not as interesting as others).
And that’s why we have mods mods to keep the game interesting.
After scouring the web I’ve put together this post of all the best career mods that you can download right now.
There are hundreds of career mods for the game, but many of them are bland and not truly well developed.
But worry not–I’ve filtered all the low-effort mods to present only the best ones to save you the time and trouble of searching around. Have a peek and see what grabs your interest.
20. Retail
Working in retail is one of the most underrated careers in the world.
The hours are long, the work is hard, and customers can be quite a pain to deal with.
There’s no reason why a virtual human wouldn’t love this career, though!
And with this mod you can have your sim work the life of a retail salesperson by working their people skills to net profits for the store.
This rabbit hole career will let your sim live the same experience as many people have to live in real life. There’s nothing more realistic than having a young adult work in retail to try living on their own.
The modern world at its finest, am I right?
19. Animal Care
Is your sim an animal lover?
Well this mod will allow your sim to care for animals all around the world, helping protect endangered species and being one with nature by helping wildlife survive.
With the animal care career add-on you will become the protector of nature that you might be dreaming of becoming in real life.
After all, there’s no better way to earn a living than by helping others – nature needs our help!
18. Filmmaker
Spielberg, Tarantino, watch out.
With the filmmaker career you will be able to become the most famous movie director in the entire world(well, the Sims world).
Have your sim grow from an amateur filmmaker to one of the world’s leading directors.
This career has many riches waiting for you. And with very creative branches and descriptions for each level, work has definitely been put into making this one of the best deeper careers in the entire Sims 4 modding community.
What films will your sim make? Are you going to be a science fiction director, or more of a rom-com movie maker? Movie magic is in your hands.
17. Ultimate Educator
Being an educator is one of the noblest yet underpaid professions in the entire world.

Thankfully this mod doesn’t let a teacher’s wages fall below the average earnings of a regular sim, and there are many branches to choose from too.
You can even reach a high level in the academy branch and have them become the director of a university. How cool!
If you want your sim to become a teacher then go straight ahead and download this mod. You won’t be disappointed with what this career path offers.
16. Makeup Artist
Being a makeup artist is probably the dream of many girls around the world.
But becoming one isn’t an easy as it seems – even if the talent is there.
This mod allows any sim to become a makeup artist with enough time.
But beware – the road to the top is full of challenges and becoming the best makeup artist won’t be easy. You know how gossipy those salons can be.
15. Fitness Instructor
The fitness life is not for everyone.
But there’s not really a clear way to choose it in the Sims 4 unless you go with the bodybuilder aspiration.
With the fitness instructor career, your sim works to help others become the fitness monsters that they wanna be. It’s inspiring and educational, and might even help you get in the gym a bit more.
Spread the words of health and teach others how to follow the footsteps of your sim’s healthy lifestyle.
14. Modeling
It doesn’t matter whether your sim is male or female; models are always wanted by companies if they’re good enough.
With this mod you can have your sim pretty easily become a paid model. If only it was this easy in real life…
Be aware that you’ll need to remain in the most pristine physical shape if you want to succeed in this career, and doing so won’t be as easy as it sounds.
Stay away from junk food, make sure you lift weights, do runs, and get enough sleep. Making money with your beauty is possible if you stay on top of it.
13. Game Dev
Developing video games has to be one of the most sought-after careers in the modern world.
However not many people get into it because you need to have a lot of programming knowledge if you wish to succeed. Even then, creativity plays a huge part in your success as a game developer. After all, not everyone can create the next Sims franchise!
But if you want your virtual friend to help you feel what it’s like to work in the gaming industry you can try out this mod and have your sim develop games for the world’s most famous companies.
Simply download the mod and apply for the initial role to move into a Game Dev career path. Also this is a bit meta so it’s really quite entertaining.
12. Therapist
Sims 4 Mods For Realism
Being a therapist might not be everyone’s dream career.
Yet those who do manage to chase this path often help others far beyond their wildest of dreams.
It’s a tough job and it requires a lot of mental strength, but if you think that your sim is up for it then go ahead and take them through this mod.
The later stages of this career allow your sim to make quite a significant amount of money, so the hard work will eventually pay off.
11. Mortician
I’ve added the mortician career mod amongst the best career mods in the Sims 4 because it’s so unique and probably unthinkable to become a mortician in such a fun game.
I mean, we know EA/Maxis would never add this. So I’m really happy with this mod’s ingenuity.
Experience the grim side of life in The Sims 4 by taking care of the deceased. This forces your sim work closely with the dead and helping to send them on their way to a better life on the other side.
10. Oceanography
The ocean. The strangest place that the Earth has to offer, and same goes for our friendly sims fellows too.
We’ve managed to discover some of its mysteries with the latest Island Living expansion pack, but there are still many things that lie at the bottom of the ocean waiting to be discovered.
Well now you can have your sim study the oceanic landscape and become a prolific scientist with this free oceanography career mod!
This is one those careers that you probably didn’t know you wanted in the game until you saw it. And while it hasn’t appeared much in older titles, now you have the chance to try it out.
9. Psychologist
The strain of being a psychologist takes a toll on most sims. And it’s only natural for them to come home feeling tense(basically a therapist with a doctorate).
Apart from the satisfaction that it provides to help others, being a top-rated psychologist in the world of Sims 4 can see you rack up those stacks of simoleons quite fast.
You get to help people and become wealthy doing it. What more do you need?
8. Medical (4 Branches)
Let’s face it: being a doctor in the Sims has never really felt quite right.
Options don’t seem as aplenty, and there’s just something that feels to be lacking.
Sure, the Get to Work expansion did wonders to the scientific career. But medicine has always been a weak spot in the Sims.
Even though this mod only adds one deep career path, there are 4 branches that you can choose to follow as a doctor with this mod.
These 4 specialties are dermatologist, cardiologist, plastic surgeon, or a pediatrician. Some pretty varied options that I think add a lot of creativity into the mix.
7. Animal Rescuer
There are so many innocent animals that don’t have a future because they either get abandoned by their owners or left behind by their parents.
Not to mention some terrible living conditions that animals need to be saved from. Even virtual animals.
With this mod your sim can help out those animals in need and work for the biggest shelter in the city.
Pay the bills all while making the world a better place for our lovable pets.
6. Daycare
Caring for a child is not a job everyone can handle.
Many people, in fact, are not fond of children at all.
If your sim loves to spend their time caring for the needs of children then you should consider making them follow the daycare worker career path.
You’ll be caring for the next generation’s best & brightest so make sure you’re up to the task.
5. Singer
Being a musician is incredibly fun. Getting on stage, touring, what’s not to love?
That said… why is there a singing skill if your sim can’t become a singer?! It makes no sense!
Realistic Period Mod Sims 4 Download
This mod fixes that – and boy does it make the game feel far more complete.
With a singer career you can live the dream of becoming the next big thing in the musical world without having to pick up a guitar to do it – although that would definitely help so don’t shy away from the instruments.
4. Real Estate
Working in real estate is for sure a great way to earn.
It may not be your childhood dream but it’s certainly a mature career choice.
Sims cannot really get into the business of selling properties in the vanilla game, but with this mod you can have your sim sign up for the real estate career and have them become experts in the selling game.
And if you do good work you’ll see plenty of bonuses.
3. Rocket Scientist
You can actually be a rocket scientist in The Sims 4, but there’s no career for it!
With the skill of rocket science already implemented in the game, becoming a rocket scientist just makes sense. Special thanks for this mod because it also adds a sense of completion to the game.
You can now have your sim walk the career path of one of the most difficult scientific careers on Earth – and take it all the way to outer space as you advance in ranks!
Rocket scientists are very well paid and respected too.
Sims 4 Period Mod
If you think your sim has what it takes to become a respected rocket scientist then go ahead and pick up this job. Rewards are aplenty at the latter stages of this career.
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2. Social Services
Irresponsible simmers have probably felt the wrath of social service workers many times in their life as Sims players.
With this mod you’ll be able to have your sim work for them!
It’s still a rabbit hole career but there’s nothing quite as fun as seeing your sim work for a company that so many sim parents despise.
In any case, working for Social Services is nothing but an honorable profession. Help protect children from awful parents and shine as a state worker with this career mod.
1. YouTuber
Realistic Mods Sims 4 Download For Free
Sure, the filming station might help you become a famous vlogger in The Sims 4.
But with this mod you’ll be able to actually become a famous YouTuber and watch your career propel you all the way into internet stardom!
We’ve all dreamt of becoming a YouTuber one day, or if we haven’t then we can at least admit it’s a cool way to make money. Well now your sim can actually do it with this incredibly modern and creative mod.
No matter what mod you choose just remember the Sims is all about variety and having fun. Maybe download a few, try them all out, and let us know what your favorites are.
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